How To Keep Silver Plated Jewelry From Tarnishing

Ornaments are a passion and a favorite thing for every girl. So, we definitely want to keep our beloved jewelry intact and save it from getting damaged. The best way to keep these precious metals clean and safe is to store them properly and use them with care. However, in this article, I will focus on how to protect silver plated jewelry from tarnishing. So stay tuned till the end.

Why Does Silver Tarnish - Let's Know It

If you understand why your silver jewelry is tarnishing, you can easily maintain it. So understand these important points to avoid silver's tarnish. There are many reasons why they are tarnished –

Point 1: If you live in an industrial area or a coastal area, In that case, sulfates present in the air can damage the jewelry.

Point 2: Sulfate is present in various water sources that we use in our daily activities. So, exposure to this water can damage silver

Point 3: plated jewelry. On the other hand, commonly used items such as plastics, paper and beauty products also contain sulfur.

Point 4: When silver is exposed to moisture, acids, sweat and oil, it reacts with the metal of the jewelry, causing it to tarnish.

Tips to Keep Silver Plated Jewelry from Tarnishing

Keep It Dry: Getting wet is one of the main causes of silver plated jewelry tarnishing. Jewelry will be exposed to moisture when you use perfume and body lotion. Even jewelry gets wet due to your body's sweat and oily skin. So dry it very soon after wearing it. Otherwise, the jewellery will be damaged by moisture and liquid.

Store Properly: It is very important to store jewelry neatly as many of us leave it in a mess after using it. This results in the jewelry being exposed to air for longer periods. As a result, silver is corroded by sulfates and dust particles in the air. However, store the jewelery well in a velvet bag to protect it from wind, dust, and sunlight.

Share Tips for Customers: It is important to share some tips to prevent customers from tarnishing their silver ornaments. When you wear jewelry, wear it last. Wear jewelry 20 minutes after using perfume or body lotion. Also, if you remove these ornaments after going to the beauty parlor, it is better to wrap them in tissue paper. Follow these tips and keep your silver jewelry sparkling for a long time.


Note: Here are tips for caring pearl jewelry


How to Clean Silver Chains - Proper way

A silver bracelet chain or necklace will tarnish very quickly when exposed to salty sweat. So, chain or necklace pieces need special care. Use aluminium foil to clean them. Brighten your favorite ornaments by separating the sulfur atoms trapped in the jewelry through the foil.

Is Silver Plated Jewelry Good Quality

In many cases, silver plated jewelry does not last long. Because they are more prone to wear and tear than other metals. If you plan to wear them on certain occasions of the year, they are better for you. Otherwise, if you want regular and long-term use, sterling silver is perfect. Because sterling silver jewelry is very durable and strong. Remember that a good investment helps your jewelry last longer.

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